Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Chamomile Is a Multitasker – 8 Ways To Use Chamomile For Itchy Skin

“Sit with me, feel my reassurance, embrace my calmness, take a moment to rebalance”.

So last week we discussed the benefits of chamomile, this week I am sharing how to use it with you!

Tea: Drink up to 3 cups per day for nervous conditions and general relaxation.

It helps reduce spasms, can be used as an anti-inflammatory, reduces fevers, eases lumbago, rheumatic problems and rashes, supports digestion, reduces allergic symptoms, helps clear phlegm, eases morning sickness and, increases milk production when breast feeding AND reduces menstrual cramps. You can even cool chamomile tea and use as a mouthwash to heal sore mouth sores and prevent gum disease.

As a salve, cream, lotion or compress – for hemorrhoids and wounds, skin issues, sore nipples, improve healing. Add in an oil form to a cool bath to ease itching, rashes and reduce skin inflammation.

Use as an eye wash for conjunctivitis, inflammation and infections, tired, sore, puffy or dry eyes. Use chamomile tea bags as a compress in cold/tepid tea for topical support.

As a vapour – Add a few drops of tincture or essential oil to your pillow or aromatherapy diffuser to ease sleep, pain, anxiety, restlessness, depression, worry, as a decongestant, reduce allergic reactions, ease skin inflammations and sinusitis.

You can buy either German or Roman chamomile oil and tea from The Natural Dispensary. Remember by promo code is Maple for 10% discount 

As a Spagyric tincture: Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic actions relax the smooth muscles lining the stomach and intestine. I use it to calm Crohn’s, stress related flatulence, heartburn, nausea, diverticulitis, irritable bowel, gastritis , ulcerative colitis, inflammation, to gently encourage bowel movements, soothe skin rashes (including eczema), as an antihistamine or simply as a relaxant.

I can make a Spagyric blend or specific tincture or cream for you – simply email Prices from £20

Essential oil – extracted from chamomile flowers this calming super heroine is considered a safe essential oil (not recommended during pregnancy or if you have strong allergies to the compositae plant family (including such flowers as daisies, ragweed, asters and chrysanthemums). Both Roman and German Chamomile essential oils are middle to top notes in aromatherapy. Add to baths, vagi steams, your pillow or your body creams as an essential oil or or spagyric tincture.

Make a therapeutic bath or foot soak or vagi steam this month with a combination of dandelion leaves and flowers, chamomile flowers, lavender, rosemary, mint leaves and peony flowers to soothe bladder inflammations, cystitis, vaginal infections, cleanse and soothe your uterus and support PMS systems

If you fancy making up your own blend then Chamomile essential oil blends well with any of these oils or plants neroli, clary sage, bergamot, patchouli, lavender, jasmine, rose otto, benzoin, marjoram, lemon, ylang ylang and geranium.

Plenty of ways to use chamomile this month. Blessings


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